Monday, July 16, 2012

UCSF trainer kicks my ass

Elliptical machine - introduction to intervals!

5 minutes @ 120 steps, resistance 7
30 seconds @ 160 steps, resistance 7
30 seconds @120
30 seconds @160, resistance 8
30 seconds @120
30 seconds @ 160, resistance 9
30 seconds @ 120
30 seconds @ 160, resistance 10
30 seconds @ 120
and back down

then tried rowing machine - too hard for my poor shoulders

then mat stuff

snow angels on roller x 10
book opening thing on each side x 10 - with hips stable
bridges with feet on ball, pull legs in and out x 10
foot slide things from hell x 5 each side
single leg dumbell lifty thing with 5 lb dumbells, lifting one leg back into t x 7 each side
"russian twist" w/ 4 lb medicine ball, x 15

whole routine 2x

stretching with strap

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

June runs and the gym

I forgot to post about running in the month of June.  I did go.  In sitka it was awesome - ran through the totem park and could actually imagine liking running.  Then came Monte Rio - and that was ok too, redwoods, river views.  Then Boonville and a horrible treadmill run that made me realize I'm not really getting anywhere with the whole aerobic fitness thing - which is the whole point.  So yesterday I finally went and joined the Fitness Center at UCSF.  It's awesome.  Expensive, but awesome.  We'll see how that goes.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

See jane run 5k - sort of

after taking two weeks off - partly because I was in Michigan and it was too hot - and partly because my hip just really hurt, I went ahead and showed up at the See Jane Run 5k that was supposed to be the culmination of my umpteenth attempt at the c25k program.  I enjoyed the run - and broke it up into 3 10 minute runs instead of trying to just go for it.  It made me think I should keep going.  Hopefully my hip won't wake me up at 3 am.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

c25k w7/2 NOT

today was not a successful run.  At shadowcliffs with dogs - waited too long to go, was too hot.  But at least I did something.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

c25k w7/1

I definitely did NOT want to go today - was feeling exhausted and worn out. But - managed to haul myself out and it wasn't awful. I'm not sure if we made it to 25 minutes - between a couple of aggressive great danes, some poorly timed lights and a little apathy I wasn't super good about technology - but if it wasn't 25 minutes it was at least close. It is never as bad as I think it will be.

Monday, May 14, 2012

c25k w6/3

22 minutes! not bad!

c25k w6/2

forgot to post again... did this last Friday. walk 5, run 10, walk 3, run 10, walk 5 - should have been a piece of cake. Mark missed two runs - he was pretty miserable. my first 10 were fine, almost fun. second 10 my butt felt like it had lead in it. Faro had a great time.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

c25k w6/1

This one actually felt good.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

c25k w5/2 & w5/3

I guess I forgot to post about week 5 #2 - it was fine, I think. I don't remember. I was worried about today. 20 minutes seems like such a big jump. I went with Faro - Mark is in Banff. It was fine, but hot - and the last few minutes were really difficult. Then I looked at the garmin info - and I only went 1.7 miles. That was disappointing - I wanted to hit two miles. But I did it. No stopping, no whining, no procrastinating.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

c25k w5/1

with Mark and Faro. Five minutes is about two minutes longer than I'd like it to be... But overall this was better than expected.

Monday, April 30, 2012

c25k w4/3

back home. Slow, heavy, uninspired. First 3 minutes were really hard but it got better. Faro was a lunatic.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

c25k w4/2

in New York! I can't believe that I have never been in Riverside Park before today. Perfect place to jog even though I was the slowest person there. At least I'm going!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

c25k w4/1

made it through this one - and it wasn't too bad! Five minutes starts to feel like you're actually running.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

c25k w3/3

hot again. with Mark & Faro. Easier than the last one.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

c25k w3/2

with Faro. He's such a good dog!

It was hot today and my shoulder really hurts so i blame that. How do people run when it is over 70 degrees?

Monday, April 16, 2012

c25k w3/1

with Mark & Faro. Grumpy. Harder than week 2 but still fine.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

c25k w2/3

with Mark. easy.

Friday, April 13, 2012

c25k w2/2

went hiking on Monday. was really sore on Tuesday, plus taxes... Rained like crazy on Wednesday & Thursday. So I went today. It's really easy to get behind.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

c25k w2/1

another good run - it's really hard to figure out why I stopped.

Garmin is better than iphone.

Friday, April 6, 2012

c25k w1/3

Two in a row - and easy. Dragged Mark along today - Faro was perfect.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

c25k w1/2


Faro was kind of a pill but it was still sorta fun.

My running clothes are too small. That's depressing.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

are all posts going to be titled, c25k, again???

I started AGAIN today. With Faro. Who loved it. At Crissy Field. In the sun.