Monday, July 16, 2012

UCSF trainer kicks my ass

Elliptical machine - introduction to intervals!

5 minutes @ 120 steps, resistance 7
30 seconds @ 160 steps, resistance 7
30 seconds @120
30 seconds @160, resistance 8
30 seconds @120
30 seconds @ 160, resistance 9
30 seconds @ 120
30 seconds @ 160, resistance 10
30 seconds @ 120
and back down

then tried rowing machine - too hard for my poor shoulders

then mat stuff

snow angels on roller x 10
book opening thing on each side x 10 - with hips stable
bridges with feet on ball, pull legs in and out x 10
foot slide things from hell x 5 each side
single leg dumbell lifty thing with 5 lb dumbells, lifting one leg back into t x 7 each side
"russian twist" w/ 4 lb medicine ball, x 15

whole routine 2x

stretching with strap

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

June runs and the gym

I forgot to post about running in the month of June.  I did go.  In sitka it was awesome - ran through the totem park and could actually imagine liking running.  Then came Monte Rio - and that was ok too, redwoods, river views.  Then Boonville and a horrible treadmill run that made me realize I'm not really getting anywhere with the whole aerobic fitness thing - which is the whole point.  So yesterday I finally went and joined the Fitness Center at UCSF.  It's awesome.  Expensive, but awesome.  We'll see how that goes.